"All men thirst to confess their crimes more than tired beasts thirst for water; but they naturally object to confessing them while other people, who have also committed the same crimes, sit by and laugh at them." Chesterton 1908
What if those of us in the church allowed each other to be honest about struggles, fear, hopes, and dreams? What if we truly experienced a place where authenticity is assumed and fear of ridicule never existed?
Then we would be living out authentic Christianity and true transformation would be the norm.
That is what I pray for, that I can establish relatioships with people that arent based on how much we can keep from eachother, but on how much we cannot keep from eachother. In other words, it would be second nature to be completely honest about what is going wrong, or confessing lonliness, or a struggle. But I think it takes honesty within and honesty without to establish this, and I can only say I know about 3 or 4 people that I can do this with, and those are the people I am the closest to and have the most meaningful relationships with, which is something that came from honesty and love, not from how much time we spent together, or how much we talked about meaningless stuff, but the expression of our souls. And the reason I say "only" 3 or 4, is because, based on the amount of people I see everyday and how often I see them, I should be able to feel this way with more than just 3 or 4 people.
That would be awesome. Church face really hurts. Not being able to be honest there makes a people that are withdrawn from each other and liars.
We might become friends again.
What is your point? I think the world has its chance to shw itself.Pluto is my main point my friend has been wondering about this comment alot and I think you are wrong by one crime you start your doing another..
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