Wednesday, December 19, 2012

It's the End of the World as We Know it.....

Over the next two days we will endure senseless news coverage documenting the eventual end of the world... or at the least, the end of the Mayan calendar.

This is nothing new for a world that now has access to every crazy view or idea (your reading my writings and ideas is case in point). We all remember the imminent end of life as we know it during the Y2K scare. People were certain the economy would collapse and planes would drop from the skies all because our PC's might not be able to make the leap from 1999 to 2000. Last year a radio evangelist, Harold Camping, predicted the world would end by October of 2011. Rulon Jeff, the FLDS leader, told his children to skip college because they would not exist past 1997. All the way back to the 16th century, we have evidence that a mystic named Mother Shipton predicted the world would end in 1991.

The question is, "does anyone really take these predictions seriously or do we simply use them as an excuse for 'end of the world' parties, survival kits, or even weekend hotel packages?" (See Matthew Hall's article here)

I was living in St. Louis in 1990 when scientist, Iben Browning, predicted a major earthquake would occur on December 2nd. We did not believe his prediction but we did use it as an excuse to stay home from school, "just in case". I don't think my parents believed an earthquake would occur but they went along with my ploy to be home for my own safety.

When I worked with high school students I would ask them what they would do if they knew the world would end and those who answered honestly usually had some version of a life of crime and debauchery followed by a last minute of repentance.

Perhaps what this all points to is the human desire for "escape". We have a constant diet of destruction aired from countries in Africa and the Middle East. We have senseless tragedies hitting close to home in our schools. We have a pending dive over the "fiscal cliff" that we cannot control. We even have controversy over yoga in our local Encinitas schools. Are these all signs that the end is near or are they reminders of a world that is imperfect and at times, quite painful? 

In our faith communities we have apocalyptic writings that remind us of the difficulties in life and that point us back to the hope that God is in control and one day will bring peace to our restless world. These writings are less about telling us how and when the world would end and more about reminding us that hope exists and God still fills the world with His love. These writings are about re-ordering our priorities and about keeping us grounded when things seem to be breaking free. 

So whether this Friday "starts with an earthquake" or begins with a typical Friday commute, take a deep breath. Say "I love you" to your loved ones. Recognize the good things that are happening in your life. Re-examine your priorites and the goals for which you live. Trust that God is still in control. 

And unless you see John Cusak driving a limo through the streets while buildings collapse around him, you will likely make it through the day and I am almost certain most of us will wake up Saturday morning (albeit some will wake up with stronger than normal hangovers).

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

The Art of Comforting

Yesterday our country faced another horrific tragedy when twenty children and six adults were gunned down at an elemnetary school in Conneticut. All of us are affected by this on some level. For parents, we project our lives into the situation and feel the profound pain the families are feeling and selfishly thank God that our kids are ok. Though we hold our own children closer we know life is fragile and there are no guarantees. 

Events like these cause us all to question and search for answers as to why this happens but the truth is no words are sufficient in times like these. I find one of the best models for dealing with grief in the Jewish tradition of "sitting shiva". In short, this is the seven day mourning period where friends and family visit those who are suffering a loss and grieve with them. This is a time to honor the memory of the ones lost and to offer a listening ear and shoulder to cry upon. It is not a time to offer explanations, it is a time to be a tangible comforting presence.

The main idea of shiva is to communicate "we are not alone". According to Jewish scholars this is a fundamental message in Judaism when it comes to death and bereavement.
"Every law and every custom of Jewish mourning and comforting has, at its core, the overwhelming motivation to surround those who are dying and those who will grieve with a supportive community. While some may argue that facing death and coping with grief heighten one's feeling of aloneness, the Jewish approach places loss and grief in the communal context of family and friends."

This communal aspect of mourning reminds us that God also does not leave us alone. The blessing said during mourning is "May God comfort you among the other mourners of Zion and Jerusalem."

In the article How to make a shiva call, "My Jewish Learning" points out the following;
"Ha-Makom is a name of God that literally means "the place," referring to God's omnipresent nature, including at the lifecycles from birth to death. It is only God who can grant the mourner lasting comfort. The comforter comes to remind the mourners that the divine powers of the universe will enable them to heal and go on with a meaningful life. Ultimate consolation comes only from the omnipresent God."

In this season where Christians celebrate the message of Christmas which is " God is with us" , may we find the strength to be present and be compassionate and let others know that they are not alone in their hurt. 

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Thank Jesus for Our Q4 Sales

Forgive me for my perennial soapbox session where I attempt to explain that Jesus' birth in Bethlehem might actually not have been God's personal economic stimulus plan but rather something quite the opposite. You have heard me say it before but it bears repeating that we are missing the point of Christmas.

The night the Angels appeared to the unclean and unwanted shepherds to declare, "The Son of God is here" marked the beginning of Jesus' mission to stand against oppressive powers, to bring hope and equality to the poor and marginalized, and to proclaim,  "peacemakers are blessed". The advent of Jesus meant  the ways of the rich and powerful would be challenged by the teachings of the Messiah who was born in the most unlikely of circumstances. This challenge would even  pierce the souls of the religious elite who apparently found company in the leadership styles of their secular counterparts. 

Statistics show that Americans spend somewhere around 450 billion dollars each year during the Holidays. Businesses and even churches count on our cultural celebration of Jesus to help finish the fiscal year with a boom. I think buying presents and enjoying the fun elements of the season is perfectly acceptable and something to look forward to each year but perhaps Christians should lead the way in toning it down a bit.

When our preparations for Christmas are reduced to purchasing "enough" gifts for everyone and making sure our calendars are packed full of Christmas cheer we will likely walk right past the low income family who laid their newborn baby in the feeding trough of a cow. We will forget God's great advertisement for the season was a host of Angels declaring a Messiah has arrived and He will save you from your need to perform and be great in the eyes of God and man. 

Diana Butler Bass said it this way, "Jesus Christ was not born that human beings would spend December shopping or saying, "Merry Christmas." Jesus was born to confront the rulers of this world with the love and justice of the God of Abraham -- that Jesus, the same Jesus who preached  the poor and marginalized were blessed, is the King of kings and Lord of lords. All earthly powers pale before him, the humble born one who will die a political traitor to Rome."

So put that extra tin of flavored popcorn back on the shelf (Aunt Myrtle will be fine without it) , drop an extra dollar in the bucket of your local Salvation Army, and remember this Q4 is not about record profits. It is about God's presence that changed the life of a despised group of shepherds and that can change the life of you and me.  

Tuesday, December 04, 2012

Holiday Parade Star

Last week my son's class participated in the Encinitas Holiday Parade. I'm pretty sure this parade ranks in the top five best parades in the nation. Its quality falls somewhere between the "Rose Parade" in Pasedena, CA and the "Hey Days Parade" in Tamarack, Minnesota. (This ranking is not official but I'm sure it is accurate). 

Encinitas truly has a "small town" feel so this parade is actually a pretty big deal. Thousands of people line the main street through downtown to watch old cars driven by Santa and the ever-popular "Neuter Scooter" spreading Holiday cheer while promoting safe sex for Encinitas' dogs.

The best part of this parade is that there were literally over 1000 participants. It is a parade consisting of local Boy Scout troops, Indian Princess groups, dance teams, school bands, "Teacher of the Year" classes, city council members, and local businesses willing to pull a trailer filled with people wearing Santa Hats and drinking Egg Nog in reindeer mugs.

All three of my boys were able to walk in the parade carrying a banner for the elementary school so they all felt like the stars of the parade. The truth is that this parade doesn't have any stars and it actually doesn't have anything spectacular. Unlike the Hey Day parade in Tamarack, it didn't even have a local Shriners group driving their purple go-karts like a bunch of junior high kids. (Those of you in the Midwest can appreciate the previous comment). 

The fact that nothing spectacular is on display in this parade is one of the things that makes it great. This event is not about the spectacular, it is about being involved. It is about a community of people coming out to support one another in the normal things in life.

This is the time of the year when many are trying to make everything spectacular. We overdo the decorations on our houses, we overspend trying to give the perfect gift, and we even put pressure on ourselves to host the best parties in the best neighborhoods. Even churches overdo their programming in an attempt to make the season spectacular for all who attend.

The Encinitas Holiday Parade reminds us to be involved and be present with the people in our lives. Rather than going overboard to impress others, go overboard by letting everyone be the star. Give the gift of your presence and your encouragement. Take time to slow down and remember the first Holiday parade of people who went to see the true spectacle of a baby born in humble circumstances so that he could bring peace on earth and goodwill towards mankind.

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Matters of Perspective

Perspective is funny thing. One perspective sees two faces looking at each other while another sees a vase. Two different perspectives and the result couldn't be any different. When we take the time to look at any situation a bit longer we are able to see a new perspective and maybe even understand a different viewpoint.

Depending on which side of the separation wall you are standing on, your perspective is the difference between being an aggressor or a defender. Perspective will call one nation "liberators" or an "occupying force". Perspective causes some to label a program "entitlements" while others label it "an obligation" to the poor.

In the past few weeks I have had a reoccurring conversation about the Christian status of the United States. Some argue we may still be labeled a "Christian Nation" while others admit this title no longer applies. The answer is likely different depending on where you live. Perhaps as different as a "blue" state or a "red" state but the point for me is how does this perspective change how I live?

If we are a Christian nation then it seems I have an obligation to fight to keep the nation on that track. If we are not a Christian nation then I must view my life as "salt and light" in a world in need of both flavor and illumination. When Jesus told His followers they were the "salt of the earth" it was in the context of a world that was not yet Christian. He understood that His followers would be different and therefore their stories would unfold under the tapestry of a pluralistic and often adversarial world. The more "Christian" the empire became, the less Jesus' followers had to be "salty".

Most of our communities are far from being well flavored with the hope and peace that comes from God and are once again in need of some "Christian saltiness". I have changed my perspective from existing in a Christian culture to being an alien in a foreign land. Like missionaries, we cannot expect our culture to bend for us, we must learn to add salt and light to the world in which we live. This of course does not mean that we embrace all our culture embraces but it does mean that we approach our culture with a true desire to bring the love of Jesus to the "world" that God so loves.

So how can we be salt and light and be "in the world" but not "of the world"?

1. Don't compromise your own faith. Remaining true to Biblical living applies to you and those who follow Scripture but it does not necessarily mean to fight to have your culture embrace Biblical values. Certainly most people would embrace Biblical values of love, grace, and forgiveness but it is unreasonable to expect our culture to embrace all aspects of Biblical living. Begin with a commitment to personally live the ways of Jesus in a world that does not share that perspective.

2. Build bridges, not barriers. The default for human nature is to fight to have all people embrace our personal perspectives. Though I believe some lifestyles such as following Jesus are beneficial for everyone, I must work to build bridges based on mutual respect and understanding if I ever want my perspective to be heard. When we go through life trying to convince everyone that we are right and others are wrong, we are building barriers that will forever prevent the real message of Jesus from being heard.
One day I came home from work and found my wife having tea with two Mormon missionaries. My wife told them that she was secure in her faith and was not interested in debating theology but she was interested in having tea and company so she welcomed them in. No one converted that day but a bridge was built and a barrier was broken.
I still hold onto a note written to me from a gay friend of mine. In it he says, "Thank you for not judging me or condemning me but rather taking time to get to know me for who I am. You changed my perspective on Jesus and allowed me to open up to the God who loves me." To me, bridges are way more beautiful than barriers.

3. Choose your battles. Which battles are worth fighting as a Christian? There are any number of worthwhile battles and I do not impose my values on anyone else but above all, I urge all followers of Jesus to focus on representing Christ well. The truth is Christians are known for all the things we oppose and less about all the great things we are for. Christians do more in the world for adoption, foster care, feeding the homeless, helping the sick, visiting the imprisoned, and fighting for the oppressed than any other group in the world. Sometimes this message is lost in the noise of the other battles that we fight.

When all is said and done the goal is to represent Jesus in a world in need of the hope and love Jesus brings. If you see your country as a Christian nation or anything but a Christian nation, you have the privilege of helping others see the real Jesus. No matter what perspective you are looking from, Jesus will make the view better.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Look How Normal I Am

Is it me or does Facebook and other social media just perpetuate a spirit of inauthenticity? We post the best photos of ourselves, only tell stories of the fun things we are doing, and we even promote our own writings in hopes of getting hundreds of self-gratifying "likes". (Please "like" if you agree).

A friend of mine called it our "cyber-kingdom". We can project the image of ourselves that we desire everyone to see and we can block or remove any unwanted nusances. If you like us enough you are in our kingdom and if you fall out of favor with us, we remove you and throw you to the cyber dogs.

What we have really done is given the world a false view of reality. I see beautiful wedding pictures of outdoor receptions worthy of a magazine and I question whether my wife and I should have served potato salad in the buffet line at the Officer's Club for our reception. Could our wedding day ever live up to weddings today?

I look at vacation photos of happy families in perfect bliss and I wonder why we can't get our kids to get along in the five minute car ride to Sunday School. Parents tell of their brilliant children receiving presidential awards for their hard work in school and I wonder what is wrong with my parenting because my kid has 20 missing assignments in first period.

Couples post beautiful photos showing them madly in love and for a moment, I'm discouraged because tonight my wife just needs a break from all people so she hides up in her room. No one tells this story on Facebook so it must only happen to me... right?

The truth is life is messy and not always perfect. We wake up each day with "bed head" (if you have enough hair) and bad breath. Marriages like my own are great marriages where we are learning to love each other more every year but where we do not always agree and where sometimes we have headaches at bedtime.

Our kids are amazing and fun and brilliant, but sometimes they drive us crazy and we wonder if we should ever display them in public.

I think I have a fun life with great experiences but many days are mundane. I want to display pictures that make me look like a model but I know these days I can grow more hair on my back than on my head and that bothers me. I am fairly fit but will never melt enough belly fat to display my six pack. I wish I could but I can't.

A Challenge 
What if we not only told the best parts of our lives, but also the not so great parts? Could we actually encourage someone who is not always happy with his looks? Could we help a mother who thinks she is the only one raising alien children? Maybe we could even give hope to a marriage that believes something is wrong because each person is not always 100% satisfied. Life is not perfect but life is wonderful and you should know that it is okay to be "not okay" all the time.

I think today we should all post photos of ourselves and updates that display real life. Post an unflattering photo of yourself or an update that is mundane. Post it with a link to this post so that I can get more "likes" and feel important so that we can let people know that our pictures don't always tell the real story and that you are okay. There is hope in the normalcy of life.

So... seriously. Will you do it?

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Why We Can Give Grace When We Disagree

Today I share an excerpt of a post from a pastor that deals with our different opinions over non-essentials for Christian life. He begins by sharing his great health report even though he has a diet that includes bacon most mornings. Faith, like the medical world, may have differences over which practices lead to the desired outcomes. The key is how we treat one another in the midst of our differences. 


There were two different views of America offered throughout the campaign, and like all the doctors advocating different views of heart health, both sides wanted the same thing – they want an America that’s productive, creative, safe, where people can pursue their dreams.  Both sides believe that their ways will bring about fiscal health.  Both sides believe in their way, because their way worked for them.
And that’s why we need to give each other grace just now… rather than shouting that the end of America has begun and unfriending people who voted differently than us.   We hold our political beliefs because of conviction yes, but can we surely realize that no single party represents the heart of Christ perfectly?  I don’t remember the Prince of Peace advocating for unrestricted access to assault rifles.  Nor would he favor late term abortion, or at the very least, any abortion of convenience.  I don’t know that he’d be cheering unilateral drone strikes by executive order.  Nor would he be too pleased with the notion that the super wealthy get exemption from some laws by virtue of their wealth and power.  So neither party represents Jesus perfectly.  When, then, we say that our vote is theological, while that may be true, it’s theologically selective.
1. If you’re adopted… you might place a huge value on pro-life politics, and vote that way.
2. If you run a small business… you might place a huge value on freedom to structure your business however you like, and pay your employees as much as you like or as little as the market will bear.
3. If you’re an auto worker… you might place a huge value on the government’s intervention to help stave off the loss of your company and your job.  That would seem charitable to you, and you’d vote accordingly.
4. If you love Jesus, and you’re gay, and you’ve prayed, counseled, and sought deliverance, before finally coming to a sense that perhaps this is actually the way you are, you’ll vote for those who view you charitably.
I could go on, but perhaps you get the point? I eat the way I do because it works. You can challenge me, tell me I’m wrong, tell me I’ll die early – even point to studies.  I’ll smile, and, because of the chart above, have another slice of bacon.
I won’t go into the details of every concern I have about Obama or Romney, Gay Marriage or legalized Weed.   If I did, I’d run the risk of helping you miss the point, because the point isn’t what I think.  The point is that in this big complex world, each of us who follow Christ must seek to make God’s good reign visible in lots of ways, including being good citizens and voting.  That one disciple votes one way, and another disciple votes another doesn’t inherently mean the other is deviant, blind, stupid, or hard hearted.  It may simply mean that their faith in Christ has different issues on the front burner than yours, having been shaped by their own collision of faith and life experience.  So I say, with Mitt Romney, let’s pray for our leader, give him grace, and work together to make our nation a place of safety, blessing, and opportunity.
Whether we like bacon or not.
-Richard Dahlstrom
Read the full article here.

Wednesday, November 07, 2012

This is not controversial

This post is not controversial but these photos are awesome. 

These great photos are courtesy of Seth Casteel.

Tuesday, November 06, 2012

I Voted

Today is the day when the people of Ohio will finally tell our country who will be the next President. It is also the day when the rest of us get the opportunity to cast votes for other candidates and propositions. This day is one of the things that makes America great and it is also the day that represents division more than unity.

The other day I had a great conversation with Christian friends about politics and I'm pretty sure that some now question my salvation. Somehow I missed the political science class that explained how Republican politics equals Christian values so now my whole life is in question. (I knew I should not have skipped that day).

I believe that some Republican candidates and positions possess some values that are supported in scripture but some Democrat candidates and positions also possess some Biblical values. I have no problem with Christians on both sides of the aisle who vote straight party lines as their own conviction but I don't want them to blame Jesus for this decision.

Let's be honest, we willingly cling to a few select issues in the name of our faith while ignoring the other things a candidate stands for. Most of the time we end up voting for the "lesser of two evils" as if that is the way to vote with conviction.

However you do it, take pride in knowing that you have a vote and if you live in Ohio your vote actually counts. So put on your "I voted" sticker, make sure you leave no "hanging chads", and let the world know what you think.

Sunday, November 04, 2012


My previous post tackled the goal of prompting thought and conversation about the need to be aware of sexual temptations when working in ministry. The aim was to call out anyone walking a dangerous line in potentially inappropriate relationships. Though the tone of the original author was strong, the words were good words with some good suggestions to prevent failure if possible.
The post was intended to be preventative in nature and did not deal with those who have already failed so today I want to address the issue of hope.

Hope for individuals. First, if you have been unfaithful in your marriage know that there is hope. We all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God and we all have our own issues. If you have failed, there is hope for you because Jesus' love reaches to the sexually impure and the self-righteous. God's healing not only extends to your spiritual life, but it also applies to your emotional life. You can be healed. You can be made new and your marriage can be made new and stronger than ever. As with any sin, it will take honesty, hard work, and patience. In moments of brokenness, there is hope.

Hope for relationships. The most obvious consequence of unfaithfulness for some is the end of the marriage. Usually the best option is to allow God to work in your lives to heal and restore your marriage. But if your marriage ended due to unfaithfulness know that the forgiveness and grace of Jesus applies to you as well. There are many issues that may lead to the affair and I don't pretend to understand all of them. Those issues are reasons and not excuses but too often, Christians believe if you did not save your marriage then you are less godly than those who did. That thought is naive and again limits God's ability to make beauty from the ashes. The things in our lives that we mess up or that are messed up for us do not have to define our identity. God is able and willing to redeem and make beauty out of our messes. I have seen many "second" marriages flourish and exist as pictures of healthy relationships. Even in the ashes of life, there is hope.

Hope for friendships. If your unfaithfulness or the unfaithfulness of another has ruined relationships in your life, you have to believe that even here there is hope. Jesus says, "I am making all things new". We are not able to pick and choose what the "all things" Jesus is referring to. He is making ALL THINGS new. The broken relationships and order of things in our world is being repaired and restored by Jesus. There is hope for hurting friendships, family relationships, and relationships between parents and children. Time, patience, understanding, and grace are needed, but don't lose heart because there is hope.

Hope for today. All of us who have struggled with any sin or addiction know that sometimes the idea of living without that thing is more than we can handle. In the previous post one anonymous comment alluded to the difficult nature of changing behaviors. Though we know we should live without it, we cannot simply "turn off" longings for something that has become a part of our lives. When everyone around us wants us to magically heal we either lose heart or become dishonest. My encouragement is to be honest and know that it is okay to be "not okay" but do whatever you can to make progress. Feeling like you can never be restored or healed is a ploy of the enemy. Know that God never gives up on us so even in our darkest moments, there is hope.

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Halloween & Jesus

Approved Christian Costume
Halloween is one of those events that generates discord among Christian parents and churches. Some advocate total abstinence from any hint of this celebration, some compromise and attend church "harvest" festivals and dress their kids as cute little puppies and Bible characters, and others dive right in with the rest of the community. 

Before I say another word I will "show my hand" and let you know that I am in the third category. We carve pumpkins that sometimes look ridiculous and that sometimes look scary. Our boys go "trick or treating" and I steal all the Butterfingers and Peanut Butter Cups from their loot. Past costumes include pirates, zombies, The Headless Horsemen, Egyptian gods. cute little puppies, dragons, magicians, and Jedi Knights. In preparation we watch movies like Spiderwick Chronicles, Aliens in the Attic, and of course It's the Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown. 

Costume of Crazy Bible Guy
Halloween is one of those activities that most people in America celebrate and I think it would be a shame if every Christian hid inside our doors on this night. It reminds me of the time Jesus took his young disciples to Ceasarea Philippi where it was known that people sacrificed to the god Pan and to Caesar. At this place where true evil was taking place, Jesus told his disciples that "on this Rock I will build my church". Jesus declared that the collective gathering of Christians would grow in the very places where people were desperate for hope and prosperity and where they turned to false gods for comfort. Jesus knew He would triumph over evil so instead of being seclusive, He was present. 

Another great moment in Scripture we see Jesus show up at the Pools of Bethesda. These were medicinal pools outside of Jerusalem. These pools became known as a place where the god of healing, Asclepion, was worshipped. Jesus went to this place where no Rabbi would dare be found and he offered healing to someone who was suffering for many years. If Jesus was afraid of being in a place where false gods were worshipped, this man's suffering would have continued. Instead of being exclusive, Jesus was present. 

Life-size costume of Moses.
The 10 Commandments are included!
I'm not trying to convince you to change your convictions, buy a demon costume, and play with a Ougi Board in the name of Christ. I simply want to remind you that Jesus came into a world full of people who are broken and hurting and He met them where they were. He was accused of being a drunkard and glutton and some attempted to insult him by calling him, "a friend of sinners". 

If your faith causes you to abstain from all things Halloween, by all means follow your convictions. But be okay with those of us who join in with our culture on a pretty fun night. Be happy that there are many of us who love Jesus, love dressing up in ridiculous costumes, and who love hanging out with our neighbors. (Even the neighbors who dress like Satan and try to scare the hell out of little children). Also remember that Jesus will build his church even in the most broken and desperate places on earth... and the gates of hell will not prevail. 

Happy Halloween! 

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Yoga and School pt. 2 (For Yoga Supporters)

The old saying goes, "You know you created God in your own image if God hates all the same people that you hate". The principle is the same for the non-religious or the indifferent. It is easy to tolerate people who think like you but when we get angry when others' beliefs oppose our own, we are imposing our world view on another.

The people of Encinitas (and all those outside the city sharing their two cents) need to keep the previous principle in mind when discussing the issue of yoga in the public schools. My previous post gave a challenge to the faith communities that oppose yoga's insertion into the curriculum so out of fairness, the following are some thoughts for those who support yoga in the schools

1) Be understanding. Thirty years ago my wife's first grade class had a Christmas party (please don't do the math to determine her age). She still remembers two classmates who waited in the office during the party because they didn't celebrate Christmas. She remembers how all the students were aware of this and wonders how this must have felt for those two children who did not participate.

Times have changed and we now have "winter parties", but the same principle applies and we need to be sensitive of those faiths who are uncomfortable with yoga. Do we really want children sitting alone and missing out on Physical Education because their family does not want interaction with practices that are associated with Hinduism? No alternative to yoga currently exists for these children so they are asked to sit alone during the yoga class thus putting children in awkward situations.

2) Be tolerant. A logical fallacy is inherent in the statement, "You are being intolerant" so let's think this one through. It is usually only Christians who get the privilege of being labeled intolerant but this time we need to turn this around. Understand that faith is the most important thing in many people's lives. Please respect religious convictions that say things like, "we will not eat meat and dairy together" or, "we will fast from sun up until sundown during holy days", or "we will not practice exercises associated with spiritual expressions of another religion". There are plenty of religious convictions in the world that I do not share but as long as those convictions do not bring harm on other people I can respect them.

For many of us with Christian or Jewish faith, we believe that the earthly and spiritual worlds are interwoven. We believe that there is a spiritual side of life and our Scriptures prohibit us from opening up to "other gods". EUSD does not want meditation in the classroom to become spiritual but for some faiths, all meditation has a spiritual element and those who do not share this conviction should respect that some do. By labeling Christians, Jews, Jehovah's Witnesses, and whoever else protests, "intolerant",  you are guilty of your own intolerant preferences.

3) Don't let this ruin friendships. I have lived in a country where my faith was not accepted and where my children were isolated for their beliefs. If you haven't experienced it, you can't imagine the pain a parent feels to see their kids suffer from bigotry. I watched my children jump on the same merry-go-round as children of a different faith only to see the parents rush over and take their kids away from mine. My heart broke one day when my son asked to dress like kids from a different faith so that he "would be allowed to have friends at the playground".

Please do not let this issue become a point of division among free Americans. When you gossip about parents who oppose yoga and belittle people who have convictions that compel them to obstain from the program, you are contributing to the larger problem of hatred, bullying, and bigotry (yes, this point applies to both sides). Agree to disagree but don't let that affect your play dates and your involvement with every other aspect of education.

4) Find the common ground. We all want the same thing so you should want the non-yoga kids to be just as healthy as the yoga kids. Be an advocate for options. We don't have to kill the wellness program and all the other benefits such as the garden and healthy food programs. We don't even have to kill the yoga portion, simply provide options that don't force discrimination. Signing petitions to remove or keep the program, or calling for suits and counter-suits is taking away from all the great things our schools do for our children and from all the energy that we should be investing on campuses.

5) Be intelligent. I know that religious people historically like to argue from passion and not logic, but it goes both ways. One comment on the blogosphere (I know... not always the greatest source for intelligence) said, "How can a parent oppose yoga at the same school that has a 'good news club'?"

That comment is a bit like criticizing someone who cheers for the Chargers but who doesn't like Hockey. The "Good News Club" is an after school optional club that is constitutionally supported and therefore is not related to someone's opposition to core curriculum in the school.

Other comments criticizing parents who object to yoga are, "Next you will pull your kids out of Karate", or "Next you will say serving Salisbury Steak... is promoting Germanic values" (Salisbury Steak is an American invention named after James Salisbury but that is not the point- editor's note) Other comments include, "I suppose now they will oppose teaching Spanish" and finally, "We should get rid of Christmas vacation because it promotes Christianity" (again I must pitch in... we no longer have Christmas break, it is "winter break" and kids are forbidden to give Chanukah or Christmas cards to one another. And what child or parent wants to get rid of winter break?). 

The point is, don't argue your case un-intelligently or people like me will side against you on principle alone. Compare "apples to apples" and try to attack arguments, not people or religious beliefs.

My final word for everyone. 
Focus on the 98% of the school week where EUSD is as good as any other district in the nation. Be proud of what we have and work together to put our efforts into future generations. 

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Christians, Yoga, and Schools

The Encinitas Union School District (EUSD) has made the national news by adding Yoga into their curriculum in an effort to support wholeness and health for our K-6th grade students.

This has created controversy with parents who are uncomfortable with Jois Yoga instructors entering our schools and teaching students elements of a yoga routine. Though the district has complete control over this curriculum and is working to ensure no spiritual elements are included, the ties to the Hindu religion by this specific yoga foundation are causing waves.

Some of you reading this are outraged that a school district would bring yoga to the schools, some will applaud the district for their efforts, and others are probably asking, "Why is this an issue at all?"

Though I am uncomfortable with some of the elements that have been included thus far in the yoga instruction, I believe it is important for Christian families to approach this issue with the heart of God that is concerned about all people.

The following are some suggestions that I urge the Christian community to consider:

1) Don't assume. It is naive to think that the school board or Dr. Timothy Baird (the Superintendent) are secretly trying to bring Hinduism into our schools. This district is known for innovation and excellence and it desires to lead in the area of elementary education. I have personally dialogued with Dr. Baird and know his desire is to find ways to create healthy, successful children. This is not a ploy by the district to expose children to Hinduism so we should approach the district assuming the best.

2) Find Common Ground. The EUSD wants our children to excel in all areas of life (socially, academically, and physically). This is what parents desire as well. I am thrilled that my children are in a district that innovates and experiments with new theories and new technology. I love that every student in the elementary schools use iPads for their school work. I love that they do not assign "busy work" as homework. I love that our schools have gardens where our children have the opportunity to do physical labor and then eat the food that is produced. I love that my children are able to obtain a bi-lingual education because the district offers a dual language immersion program. I love that the teachers and administrators that I have encountered actually like their schools and their students. Christians should approach the district offering assistance knowing that we all are working towards the same goals.

3) Be Involved. Let the district know that you are willing to help wherever there are needs. If you are concerned about who might be influencing your children, make sure you are involved and being an influence. Remember that you are on a public campus so this does not mean influencing by teaching your beliefs, but influencing by living your beliefs. Jesus doesn't need you to defend him, he needs you to represent him. If your Bible is the same as mine, you will see that Jesus accepted everyone, offered love to everyone, and even rolled up his sleeves and served everyone. Maybe you can volunteer to help in the Yoga class (I know.... a bit too much, too fast. Just take some baby steps).

Being involved also means being involved in your children's life of faith. Discuss what they are learning. Ask questions, and talk about the elements of Yoga that differ from your faith. Sooner or later they will face views contrary to your faith so create an environment where they can process differences in a healthy way. In doing this you will also have to trust that God is big enough to protect your kids' spiritual lives.

 4) Pray. It is absolutely essential that parents pray for their own children and all the people involved in their education. Pray for the Board, for the Superintendent and his staff, for the principals, and for the teachers. These people are not your enemies and even if they are you are called to pray for them as well. The great thing about prayer is that it usually opens your heart to the people you pray for and you will be able to approach them with compassion and understanding.

I suspect we will hear more about this issue in the weeks to come and I hope it is because our community serves as an example of how people with different perspectives learned to work together for the good of the whole city. 

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Forcing Fall

I love this time of year when the colors on the trees come alive and the cold northern air pushes the last remaining signs of summer away for a long winter break. I love the sounds of football games and the smells of leaves as they fall from the trees declaring that it is time for a wardrobe change.

I also love the succession of holidays that we celebrate in America that crescendo with Christmas and encore with New Year Day.  Every month we have at least one celebration that serve as mile-markers on the road of old memories of childhood and new memories we create with our own kids.

Sometimes the California weather doesn't cooperate in sharing the tangible signs of the season. This year in San Diego we have had one of the hottest Autumns on record so instead of warming up with a book and some spiced cider, I have been cooling off with a daily surf session. (I know you are feeling great heartache over this difficult problem I am dealing with but don't worry, I will endure).

The solution to dealing with the recalcitrant weather is to force the season and pretend that Fall is here.

So yesterday we headed off to a local farm for our annual pilgrimage to the pumpkin patch. Though our boys are getting older and at least one of them is beginning to question whether he should still be participating in this ritual, we forced them into the car, endured the half hour of fighting that came with the drive, and made them pose for photos that make their mother very happy.

The truth is that the family had a great time (though we did need to cool off with some ice cream). It confirms that keeping traditions even as the boys grow older is a fight worth fighting for. Even when they think they can convince us that they are too old for these holidays we know that this isn't the truth because my wife and I are not too old. My guess is that like most things, they will look back with memories much more positive than what they let on.

Besides, without a stroll through the pumpkin patch we may not be able to convince San Diego that Fall is here.

Monday, October 15, 2012

#What Frozen Toys Teach Us

This morning I noticed our freezer door was slightly open so naturally I looked inside to see why it was not fully closed. I discovered that there was a large bowl of dragons frozen in ice. 
For those of you with one or no children you might think this is an odd thing to discover. For those of us with three boys this is a perfectly natural occurrence. 

My wife and I are long passed the stage where we need to ask silly questions such as, "Why is there a large bowl of dragons in the freezer?" After 12 years of practice, we now know that the obvious answer is because, "you can't make ice in the refrigerator". 

The world of a child does not worry about the underlying question parents mean to ask which is, "Why are you freezing your dragons?" They do not need to worry about the question because that question is built on the false premise that assumes there are parameters on imagination and play. 

The silly question about the reasoning behind dragon freezing is usually asked by the same parents who say things like, "Why is the dog hand-cuffed to the stairs", or "Why did you draw tiger stripes all over your body", or even the fatuous question, "Why are you naked and jumping on the trampoline ?" 

Living in a house with three boys reminds us that asking questions that suggest disapproval is a subtle way of teaching our children to conform. Children are naturally filled with wonder and the desire for adventure. Left on their own they will see the world as it is meant to be seen. That is a world where possibilities are endless and where new ways of doing things are waiting to be explored. It is a world where broken computer parts become robots and where rocks dug up in the backyard become evidence of an ancient burial ground. 

It has been a process for me, but now when I see a bowl full of frozen dragons I am learning to say, "Why didn't I think of that?" 

I want to see this world in all of the wonder that the Creator intended. I want to honor God by still being impressed with the millions of stars in the sky and the millions of different people in the world. I want to recognize that I still have a lot to learn from all of the people that I interact with each day. People like my creative and observant wife, my experienced and seasoned boss, and my sometimes wild but always fun children. 

Life certainly is too interesting to think that there is only one way to play with a dragon or that there is nothing new to discover. So here's to all the kids who teach us to keep dreaming and to keep looking for new adventure. 

Now please excuse me, it seems that the 5- year old has his head stuck in the railing of the stairs. 

Saturday, October 13, 2012

How to Win the Nobel Peace Prize

This year the Nobel Peace Prize was awarded to the European Union for its work in bringing peace to a continent that was the center of two world wars. The award recognized the work of the Union that has former enemies living in peace... relative peace.

I don't want to appear cynical because I really am impressed that this continent hasn't been the center of a world war for over 60 years. I am also impressed on how it successfully created peace between its member state Turkey and Cyprus (okay it hasn't done that yet). Also don't forget how the European Union stepped in to help the former Yugoslavia Republic peaceably divide into new independent countries (I guess it didn't do that either). But it has managed to prevent itself from imploding during the financial crisis of the past few years. 

In fact, the real reason they were awarded this prize is to help manipulate the EU into maintaining peace during their crisis. As the award was announced the Chairman of the committee said, 

"This year we saw that the prize could be important in giving a message to the European public of how important it is to secure what they have achieved on this continent."
In other words, "We gave you this award so that you will behave". 

The pattern of giving the award to will some sort of outcome is the new pattern of this committee. Remember that Barak Obama won the award in 2009 for the work he did in.... um... well that is not the point. 

At least the award made sense when Al Gore received it in 2007 because he said, "The world is getting warmer and ice is melting". 

A little more reasonable is giving of the award to the United Nations in 2001 for their work in "creating a more peaceful world". My history is fuzzy but I guess 2001 was a year we saw the UN create peace across the globe... except in Palestine, India, Congo, Sierra Lione, Afghanistan, Sri Lanka, Angola, Odessia, Somalia, Liberia, Nepal, Serbia, and Chad. 

The award is now simply a symbol of what we hope will be done rather than an award for what has been done. It weakens the award and dimishes the real recipients such as Martin Luther King Jr., Mother Theresa, and Bishop Desmond Tutu. 

If the award is for what we hope for perhaps we can give it to Iranian President Ahmadinejad

or North Korea's Kim Jong-il in hopes that they will not do something stupid in the future.

Maybe we can give to Obama again in hopes that he will actually bring America together 

instead of pushing us apart. With this new criteria of awarding possibility and not results, the 

sky's the limit!

Thursday, October 11, 2012

The Attraction of Being an Idiot

A few years ago God's favorite baseball team, the Boston Red Sox, made an unlikely comeback in the playoffs and went on the win the World Series. The exciting thing about that team was the way they won and interacted with one another. It was that year that they dubbed themselves, "The Idiots".  Their reasoning was that they were just a bunch of idiots out having fun and no one could stop them.

Yesterday two different baseball playoff games ended in dramatic fashion with "walk-off" hits for the home team. If you ignore the fact that it takes 2 1/2 hours of rather uneventful plays to reach the drama of a final inning of a baseball playoff game, you will be pressed to argue that any other sport brings such a concentrated moment of excitement. But this is not the point.

The two separate teams that won yesterday demonstrated a contrast in style. On one hand we saw the New York Yankees come from behind and win the game with a home run in the 12th. The fact that Raul Ibanez also hit a home run in the bottom of the 9th to tie the game made this moment unbelievable but it was for a team that has seen its share of drama and is no stranger to "playoff magic". The players are experienced and most expect this sort of thing to happen for them.

The other team was the Oakland A's. A team of misfits in the sense that there are no superstars or big named players. They are always a bit loose and look like little kids playing a game they love. One might say they were a bunch of "idiots" having fun.

They were losing by 2 runs in the bottom of the ninth and a loss would end their season. Somehow they managed to tie the game and then win it with a hit by, not surprising, a former Red Sox named Cocoa Crisp (yes, his real name).

Watch these two plays here

In watching the ends of these two games you will see excitement from fans and tons of emotion from the players. The difference is that the Yankees' response was joyous, yet measured. They know they have more work to do and for them this is business as usual. For the idiot A's, the filter was off. The players raced onto the field as if they were already the champions. In the dugout after the game, the A's were blaring music and dancing around the clubhouse... idiots.

For me. the A's and the Red Sox of 2004, we see the attraction of reckless abandonment. We see the value of being passionate without concern for appearing dignified. In life we are attracted to those who's convictions cause them to live passionately and sometimes recklessly.

I believe it is the image of God in us that still remembers the spark inside that is fueled by passion and adventure. It is a spark that glows when staring down a giant, walking through a parted sea, or beginning a revolution in the name of Jesus. This is a spark that we too often stomp out and leave dormant in us but one that flares when we experience a life of faith that God intends.

I am not an A's fan but I am a fan of passionate people. I will pull for these idiots and hope to see more magic, but even more, I pray that I can sense the wonder and passion in my faith. 

Tuesday, October 02, 2012

#Spiritual, But Not Religious

In CNN's recent post on their religion blog, Alan Miller discusses the popular idea of being, "Spiritual, but not religious". In the article he presents the idea that "spiritual but not religious" is a convenient way of reaping the potential benefits  of faith in the Divine without having to commit to any form of structure and accountability.

He writes, 
"Moreover, the spiritual but not religious reflect the "me" generation of self-obsessed, truth-is-whatever-you-feel-it-to-be thinking, where big, historic, demanding institutions that have expectations about behavior, attitudes and observance and rules are jettisoned yet nothing positive is put in replacement.

The idea of sin has always been accompanied by the sense of what one could do to improve oneself and impact the world.

Yet the spiritual-but-not-religious outlook sees the human as one that simply wants to experience "nice things" and "feel better." There is little of transformation here and nothing that points to any kind of project that can inspire or transform us."
In our culture where so many claim to "hate religion but love Jesus", are we just looking for ways to eat our spiritual cake and have it too?