Sunday, May 03, 2009

Reading Update

Many of you in my blog world tend to read a lot and often ask what I have been reading lately. So this time, without request I bring you my most recent reading log.
Before I give it to you I must let you know that I made a commitment to not read my usual 7 books at a time so I decided I would complete all of the books I was going through and then begin the process of reading one book at a time.... This did not last more than a week but I did have good intentions. As long as I am completing at least one book every week or two I am okay with this system.

Recently completed:
Total Church by Chester and Timnis
The Anatomy of Peace by the Arbinger Institute
The Six Day War: Shaping of the Middle East by Oren
The God Theory by "I Forgot the author"
Excavating Jesus by Crossman and Reed
The Russia House by Le Carre

Currently Reading:
House of Leaves
An Experiment in Criticism by CS Lewis
6 Prayer God Answers by ??
Unstoppable Force by Erwin Mcmannus
In the Rose Garden of Martyrs by ??
At Ease: Stories I Tell to Friends by Dwight Eisenhower
A Brief History of Everything by Bryson
The Bible


Unknown said...

Six Prayers God Always Answers by Mark Herringshaw and Jennifer Schuchmann. In the Rose Garden of the Martyrs (a memoir of Iran) by Christopher de Bellaigue. Easy enough to find when the books are on my kitchen table. :) Thanks for always having good books in the house for me to steal and read! xoxo

Kevin said...

So would you rate the ones you have read. Are they recommended, are they great, are they okay, yadda yadda?

Thanks for the update man!

Kevin said...

I tried the one book at a time thing, and I was only able to bring it down to three at a time.

One Fiction
One Non-Fiction
One Miscellaneous

Have you considered joining GoodReads? Great way to network book reviews and what books you are currently reading, going to read, and read. And a place to see what your friends are, have and will read as well.

Ryan said...

Kevin- I had a professor who once said that for his class we should read all books about the subject. He said "most books are bad ones but you will never know they are bad unless you read them".... so I quote him here as my way of not giving reviews. Every once in a while I come across something that I think everyone should read no matter what taste the person has. I will always let you know if I find one of those.

Kevin said...

I guess I will except that answer; however, it sure makes my 'to read' list much larger!