Friday, May 22, 2009


This is me... venting.

We recently got news that if we refinance our home loans we will save about $300 per month! The problem is that we have never missed a payment, our credit scores are in the 800's, our loan to value ratio is 65-35 (which is great) but our income is too low this year to qualify for loans we already have. The banks told us that we could save a lot of money and even though we have 10 consecutive years of paying our home loans on time, we can't be trusted. We were also told that if we default on our loans we would be able to refinance for a much lower rate immediately.
In other words, because we can be trusted to make our payments, they cannot trust that we will make our payments at a lower rate.
If we prove that we can't be trusted at our current rate, they will trust us with a lower rate.

We also got news this week that several companies we deal with announced 20% rate increases. This is primarily because too many people are not paying their bills. So, those of us who sacrifice and do all we can to stay on top of all the changes are asked to pay more.

Now do you see why God wanted a year of Jubilee every 50 years? Everything resets so that greedy bastards do not get rewarded too much and so that people who work hard but have to make tough decisions to support their family don't get pushed down too low. Of course this only works in a society that all believe in this system and who do not take advantage of its weaknesses... in other words, it would never work in America.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Mother's Day

It is never too late for this tribute to Mothers.

Click Here in Honor of Your Mother

Sunday, May 03, 2009

Reading Update

Many of you in my blog world tend to read a lot and often ask what I have been reading lately. So this time, without request I bring you my most recent reading log.
Before I give it to you I must let you know that I made a commitment to not read my usual 7 books at a time so I decided I would complete all of the books I was going through and then begin the process of reading one book at a time.... This did not last more than a week but I did have good intentions. As long as I am completing at least one book every week or two I am okay with this system.

Recently completed:
Total Church by Chester and Timnis
The Anatomy of Peace by the Arbinger Institute
The Six Day War: Shaping of the Middle East by Oren
The God Theory by "I Forgot the author"
Excavating Jesus by Crossman and Reed
The Russia House by Le Carre

Currently Reading:
House of Leaves
An Experiment in Criticism by CS Lewis
6 Prayer God Answers by ??
Unstoppable Force by Erwin Mcmannus
In the Rose Garden of Martyrs by ??
At Ease: Stories I Tell to Friends by Dwight Eisenhower
A Brief History of Everything by Bryson
The Bible